Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thievery story reaches USA Today

Here's USA Today's take on the problem of cemetery looters.

Going 'green' in Atlanta?

A landowner wants to put a "green cemetery" on 17 acres he owns in the Atlanta area.

Private cemetery gets OK on Cape Cod, Mass.

Interesting little story here about a private cemetery to be created on someone's land. It got some opposition from a local official, but got the OK anyway. Pay close attention to the soil boring info ... they did their homework, it seems.

More on Arlington Cemetery

In May 2007, I mentioned a long feature story about Arlington National Cemetery - America's cemetery - that appeared in National Geographic. Here is a new story, from Arlington Connection, that details some of the same overcrowding problems of this national treasure. It's not getting any easier for the folks who run Arlington.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dead and re-buried

As if cemeteries aren't filling up fast enough, in the Detroit area, people are digging up their relatives and moving them to the greener (can you say, "whiter"?) cemeteries.

Monday, August 11, 2008